I am a third-year ELLIS PhD student at the Computer Vision
Group co-supervised by Prof. Daniel Cremers
(Technical University of Munich) and Prof. Christian Rupprecht (VGG, University of Oxford).
Before that, I finished my M.Sc. in Computer Science at the University of
During my B.Sc. at TUM, I also spent a semester abroad at the National University of
October 2020 Started M.Sc. Computer Science at University of
October 2020 Finished ADL4CV. Check out our video presentation here.
March 2020 Finished my B.Sc. Informatik at TUM.
My aim is to develop methods to understand the 3D world from images and videos.
Specifically, I work on methods that can be trained with weak or even no supervision.
Through this, I hope to enable more wide-spread applications of such methods, and to improve accuracy by training on large, unlabeled datasets.
A state-of-the-art semi-supervised monocular dense reconstruction system, that utilizes a multi-view stereo approach with a filter for moving objects to predict depth maps in dynamic environments.